Inpatient Meth Rehab

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Fighting a meth addiction is not an easy process. Meth is a strong substance that will change the functioning of the brain and can make it difficult to fight off on your own. Using a residential meth rehab center will be one of the best ways to get the substance out of your system and regain your sobriety in a safe environment. Finding the right inpatient rehab program is going to be the first step to helping you get over the addiction and getting your life back from meth.

It is estimated that nearly 12 million people throughout the country use methamphetamines for non-medical uses at least once in their lives. Once it is started though, many patients find that they get addicted and that can send them on a downward spiral into addiction and other issues. Several years ago, it is estimated that 7,663 people died from overdosing on methamphetamine, which makes it a deadly drug to take.

Because both crystal meth and meth are some of the most addictive substances that people can get their hands on, it is difficult to fight the addiction on your own. These substances are going to be able to change the chemicals in the brain more than some of the other drugs you can take. You will need to utilize an inpatient meth rehab to help handle your addiction and get your life back on track.

The Basics of Inpatient Meth Rehab Facilities

Once the patient recognizes that there is an issue with the addiction and that they need to make a change, they can choose the right residential meth rehab facility to help them get healthy and feel better. While all inpatient centers are going to be a bit different, there are a few similarities that will happen in all of them. Some of the steps that will happen in any residential treatment facility for meth addiction include:


No matter which facility you decide to go to for your meth addiction, there will be an assessment done. This is a good time for the medical team to learn more about your health history, your addiction history, and how long you have used the substance. They can also look for various mental health concerns and whether you would need treatment for other substance abuse problems as well.

During this time, the goal for the medical team is to figure out the best treatment plan for you. Each patient is unique and will need to go through their own treatment path in order to become sober and leave a normal life. While the plan can be changed throughout the process if necessary, the medical team will at least have something to work from with this initial plan.

The Detox

If a detox has not happened before the patient enters the treatment facility, it is going to happen once they show up. None of the other treatment options are going to work for a meth user if the patient still has some of the substance in their body. Getting it done during the inpatient meth rehab treatment is one of the best options because it can be done safely and under the direct supervision of the medical team.

Withdrawal is not a fun process for anyone to go through. This is even more true when it comes to meth withdrawal. Since this substance is able to make big changes to the chemical balance in the brain, many of the symptoms of withdrawal will be worse than with other substance addictions. The medical team will watch the patient closely, administering medications and other options to help the patient stay healthy and safe during the detox.


Once the patient is able to go through their detox and meth is out of their body, it is time for the next stage of the inpatient addiction treatment to happen. This is going to include therapy. The patient will work through several different types of therapy to look at some of the underlying causes of their meth addiction. This can be done in group sessions and individual sessions.

There is usually some underlying cause that makes the patient stick with the meth and can make the addiction much worse. Without figuring out what that is, and without learning what the triggers are for the addiction, the patient will always be at risk of a relapse. These therapy sessions are going to provide the patient with some of the tools they need to overcome their addiction too.


Treatment does not end once the patient leaves the facility. There will still be options available to support the patient when they leave the center to make sure that they stay sober and will not fall back on their old ways. The purpose of this phase is to help the patient transition out of the inpatient facility and go back to their normal way of life.

There can be different steps that go along with this. Some patients are going to work with an outpatient treatment facility if they need it. They can also go with some support and other tools to make it less likely that the patient will relapse into drug addiction again.

Options for Inpatient Meth Rehab Treatments

There are actually several different options when you are choosing the right inpatient meth rehab treatment for your needs. Some of these include:

There are also some outpatient options that the patient can choose to help with their addiction. These are often intensive as well because the meth addiction is hard to go through and fight off. These are usually not as effective as using an inpatient treatment facility though. To see the best results without a relapse, it is best to go with an inpatient center.

What Happens During Meth Withdrawal?

The withdrawal process for meth is going to be drown out and much harder than it is with some of the other substance addictions that a patient will go through. The really bad symptoms of this withdrawal will peak about 1 to 2 days after the patient quits taking the drug. It can take several weeks or longer before they subside.

As of this time, there are no medications that are FDA approved to help lessen the withdrawal process from meth. But there are a few medications that can assist with rehabilitation and may reduce the need for meth. These should be administered by the right medical professional.

There are different withdrawal symptoms that the patient will experience. These can happen with the body and with the mind. The body will experience an increased appetite, speech difficulties, fatigue, and aches and pains. The issues with the mind are often much worse since it is the mind that is more affected by this drug. Many patients will deal with suicidal thoughts, depression, paranoia, insomnia, hallucinations, mood swings, and anxiety. Because of the severity of the withdrawal symptoms, it is best to do the detox through the inpatient meth rehab facility to make sure that medical professionals are nearby to help with them.

Behavioral Therapies That Work for Meth Addiction

There are a number of therapy options that are available for the patient when they join an inpatient meth rehab center. Therapy is important to help the patient figure out what is causing their addiction and to help them fight it and get their lives back. Behavioral therapies are the most common options that these inpatient facilities will use.

Behavioral therapies, which are also known as counseling sessions, will take place in a group setting or individually with the right professional. The goals are to help the patient find and get rid of any behaviors they have that lead them to abuse a drug. There are a number of therapy options that the doctor can choose to use. Some of the most common include:

Contingency management

This is one of the first methods that the treatment center will try to use. It is focused on helping the patient be rewarded with different items if they will continue to stay sober. This is a good option for the meth addict because it helps them to focus on the new thing that they will get, rather than the addiction.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This method is a popular one for many patients who go through any type of substance addiction. It can be effective, though it will take a little bit to accomplish and work the way that you would like. With this therapy, the goal is to help the patient avoid relapse because it helps the person figure out their triggers and allows them to manage their stress. With the help of the therapist, the patient is able to develop skills to cope with the daily situations that led them to abusing meth in the first place.

The Matrix Model

This is a unique type of therapy, one that was formed to help patients who are addicted to cocaine and meth. These are a little bit more difficult when it comes to fighting the addiction compared to some of the other substances out there. In this method, there are elements for social support groups, drug education, group and family therapies, and relapse preventions.

This is often going to include parts of the 12-step program inside of it, though the matrix model can be customized based on what works for the patient the most. Patients will notice that this is a bit different than the other programs because it follows a very rigid structure and takes 16-weeks to finish.

How Long Does Inpatient Meth Rehab Last?

The amount of time that in-patient treatment programs last will last depend on the patient. While other substance abuse programs can last one to three months, the meth addiction programs are likely to last longer due to the nature of the drug and how hard it is to get over it. Expect to spend closer to four to six months to fight meth addiction. If you do the Matrix Model from above, that treatment will take a minimum of 16 weeks to complete.

Sober Living Homes

Once the treatment at the inpatient rehab center is done, there is the option for the patient to go to a sober living home. This is basically a group home that will help the recovering meth addict transition from their chosen treatment center to living on their own while they continue to be sober. If the patient does not have a positive environment to go to once they are sober, then the sober living home is a good option.

Residents will be able to stay for different length of time. Some will stay for a few months to gain some confidence before they head back to their home. Others will stay for years. As long as the patient is willing to follow the rules and they do not relapse, they can stay. Sober living homes do have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to using any substance, including meth. The patient will also need to complete the chores, attend the right support groups, and pay a for the cost to rent the home.