Inpatient Heroin Rehab

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There are many different heroin inpatient facilities that you can choose. Each one will have their own way of doing things. Researching each option will help you determine which types of therapies are available and which facility will give you the most assistance with your heroin addiction. If you’re struggling and need help, please feel free to give us a call so that we can find the best treatment center for your individual situation

The United States is in an opioid epidemic. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 130 people in the country are dying every day from overdosing on opioids. Heroin is one of the opioids that can cause these deaths. While it is illegal in most places, many people are still able to get ahold of it and cause damage to their brains and bodies.

Heroin will work the same way as prescription opioids by interacting with the opioid receptors in the brain. When the patient is addicted to heroin, they will need to consider getting the right treatment to help them get sober. While some people can self-treat, this is usually not successful at all. An inpatient heroin rehab center is often one of the best choices to help the patient heal and get back to a normal life.

How Can Heroin Addiction Be Treated?

There are different treatments that are available for treating heroin, but full support to the patient is often the most successful. A withdrawal period is pretty common for inpatient heroin rehab. This allows the patient to get the drug out of their system. The withdrawal is not going to be a lot of fun and depending on how long the addiction lasted, it can be life-threatening. It is best to do it with medical professionals watching out for you to make sure that you are safe.

During the first stages of heroin rehab, the withdrawal symptoms are going to be uncomfortable. This is a big reason that heroin users stay hooked on the drug; it allows them to avoid these symptoms. Before you can go through any of the other treatment options that are available at inpatient heroin centers, you will need to go through a detox.

After that initial detox, the symptoms will become milder, though they can potentially last for months and even years due to the nature of this drug. There will be additional treatments that are given to the patient to help with cravings and the side effects. Some of them include:

Fighting an addiction to heroin is often difficult. The person will need to spend a good deal of time at the residential heroin treatment facility to get better, and many will need ongoing support when they are done. With the right type of treatment and support, the patient will be able to get and remain sober.

Inpatient Rehab for Heroin Abuse

Inpatient rehab is a facility where people will live for a time to help them handle a heroin detox and a withdrawal while also receiving some of the therapy and additional support that they need. There will be medical providers present who will help provide the therapy and medical services that the patient needs to ensure that they are healthy and can live a normal life when the therapy is done.

Residential heroin rehab is going to be more effective than outpatient treatment because it will help treat the whole patient and teaches them how to make changes to stay healthy and avoid heroin in the future. Some of the services that happen with inpatient heroin treatments include:

  1. Balanced diets: Meals will be specially designed to provide all of the nutrients that the patient needs to help them get through the addiction. Many times, these patients are going to crave fat foods and sugar as they recover. The diet is going to avoid weight gain and keep the patient healthy.
  2. How to build healthy habits: In addition to the new healthy food that the patient will get, they will learn other healthy habits that will help them in the future. This includes what to do for exercise, hobbies, and free time. Treating addiction can sometimes leave a vacuum for the patient, especially if they used heroin as a social activity. The inpatient heroin rehab facility will help them learn healthy habits to avoid setbacks.
  3. Community: With an inpatient treatment facility, the patient is around others who are dealing with their heroin addiction as well. This helps provide some of the social support that is needed.
  4. Established healthy boundaries: The patient may have been in an environment where boundaries did not exist while they were on the drugs. The right rehab facility will help the patient learn how to build boundaries and get the tools they need to maintain these boundaries when they leave.
  5. Medical support; Many times, the substance abuse is bad enough that the patient will need specialized help from the medical staff. This can include monitoring, medication, and more to keep the patient healthy.
  6. Remove the negative influences: Drug use and addiction will be influenced by association. The people who did the drugs with the patient can sabotage the treatment and the medical professionals will help the patient deal with it by removing bad influences in their lives.
  7. Therapy: All inpatient heroin rehab centers will include therapy. This will help the patient to learn more about the underlying cause of the addiction and can help them to understand what is going on and how to be better.
  8. Structure: There is a lot of structure for the patient in a residential treatment center. This makes it easier for recovering.

All of these components are necessary to help a heroin addict to feel better and to reach the road of recovery. Many treatment centers will also include support and help for the patient once they leave the facility so that they can continue to stay sober.

What Therapies are Offered at Inpatient Heroin Rehab?

There are different types of therapies that are present at in-patient drug treatment centers that provide heroin addiction treatment. Therapists are going to look at the individual they are treating and see which type of therapy is the best one for them. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common one to use here, but some of the other therapies that a medical professional can use include:

The type of inpatient heroin treatment center that one chooses will make a difference in the exact type of therapy that they will need to go through. Most will utilize a combination of group and individual therapy.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is going to be an option that includes the therapist and several other heroin addicts in the facility. REBT and CBT therapy are common to use here. This allows the patients to learn more about their heroin addiction, the issues that come with addiction, and the steps that they can take to get better.

Individual Therapy

Most patients will also need to go through some individual therapy. If the patient has been on heroin for a long time, has an underlying mental condition, or needs more support, then individual therapy will help them get through their addiction. Engaging in this type of therapy will also be more useful for patients who deal with anxiety in social situations.

Will Medications Be Used?

There will be some medications that are used at inpatient heroin rehab centers. During the first part of rehab, the patient is going to deal with a detox to help them withdraw from the effects of the substance. This allows the substance to leave the body, but it is not always a fun experience. The withdrawal symptoms will start sometime during the detox. The medical team can use drug therapy to help ease some of the symptoms so the patient can get through it all.

Some of the medications that are used to help the patient cure their heroin addiction include:

After the initial withdrawal symptoms are done, a doctor will be able to prescribe medications to help with the rest of the heroin addiction treatment. Buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone are good options that will help the patient as they are going through their withdrawal and can make it less likely that they will relapse. These options are good at blocking the receptors in the brain so heroin does not feel as good when the patients do take it. When the drug does not give the desired effect any longer, it becomes less likely that the patient will enjoy using it and can make sobriety much easier to achieve.

How Long is Inpatient Heroin Rehab?

Many patients who are looking at inpatient treatment facilities for heroin addiction will want to know how long this program lasts. A typical heroin addiction treatment program will last for 30 days. However, the length will depend on the unique person and what kind of treatment they need. Most of the programs will last between a week to several months, depending on how well the patient responds to the treatment. Patients who have been addicted to the drug for longer and who have severe symptoms during withdrawal are more likely to stay there for longer.

Studies have shown that longer inpatient treatments are better for long-term sobriety. This helps the patient to go through withdrawal, get the counseling that they need, and relearn some of their habits too. It is best to find a treatment center that will have programs for at least 60 days to help with your addiction. 90 days or longer will be even better. There are even 1 year heroin rehab programs for those who have been struggling with heroin for a really long time.

When a patient first starts to discuss their case with the treatment facility, they can work with the medical professional to figure out exactly how long they need to be in the facility.

Ongoing Recovery After the Inpatient Facility

A good in-patient heroin rehab facility is not going to just let the patient loose when they finish a few of the steps and assume there will never be a relapse. Instead, they will provide ongoing treatment support long after the patient is gone. Addiction treatment centers can sometimes be part of a large health-system that allows for outpatient follow-up. This can keep tabs on the patient, provide them with support, and make sure they stay healthy.

The rehab center could also have a strong relationship with some of the other outpatient treatment centers and providers. This can provide some additional help to the patient as they transition back to their normal lives after overcoming heroin addiction.

The treatment facility is going to be there to help the patient throughout the process. They will give the patient a chance to learn some new skills, develop a support group, and get the therapy that they need. Heroin addiction treatment is not something that stops when the patient leaves the inpatient heroin center. Treatment is going to be a lifelong commitment and follow-ups are going to be critical.